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 J - Wurf


Für unsere NeeLee haben wir uns für Cash entschieden und weichen wie im C-Wurf

ein wenig ab in die Van-M Linien.

Herzliches Dankeschön an unsere liebe Freundin Gabi Schuster "Collies of Amarsis"

Wenn alles gut geht erhoffen wir uns süsse Welpen um den 17.September 2018

in den Farben sable-white und tricolour. 


NeeLee brachte pünktlich am 17.09.2018 sechs wunderschöne Welpen zur Welt. Sie hat das in einer atemberaubenden schnellen Zeit getan das wir staunten. Sie brachte ihre vier Burschen und die beiden Mädchen in einem Zeitraum von zwei Stunden zur Welt

Somit haben wir

einen tricolour- CHW(weiss-tricolour farben) Rüden mit einem Spot,

zwei d'sable-white Rüden, zwei tricolour Hündinnin

und einen

sable-CHW (weiss-sable farben Rüden ohne Spot

Neue Bilder vom 09.10.2018



For our NeeLee we have chosen cash and soft as in the C-litter
a little off in the Van-M lines.
Many thanks to our dear friend Gabi Schuster "Collies of Amarsis"
If all goes well, we hope for sweet puppies around the 17th of September 2018
in the colors sable-white and tricolor.



NeeLee delivered six beautiful puppies punctually on 17.09.2018. She did that in a breathtaking fast time and we were very amazed. She gave birth to her four boys and two girls in a two-hour period.
So we have
a tricolor CHW (white tricolor) male with a spot,
two sable-white males, two tricolor bitches
and one
sable-CHW (white-sable-colored males without spot

New pictures from 10/09/2018


                    Van_M Cash Deed of Amarsis                                           Dark Rainbow Reflection from Sky's Garden

                                  " Cash "                                                                                         " NeeLee"


                                              Ein letztes Mal gab es ein Shooting mit allen zusammen

                                                     Fotos vom 06.11.2018

                                        Wir bedanken uns ganz herzlich bei

            Mareike Wegner "baamar" Tierfotografie für die wunderbaren Fotos.



                        Rüde/Male 1 - Vergeben "Jeffrey"                                                      Rüde/Male 2 - Vergeben "Jamie"

                tricolour-headed-white /"tricolour-weiss                                                                  sable-white

                   Jeffrey The Lord from Sky's h Garden                                               Jamie The Only One  from Sky's Garden


                                       Rüde/Male 3, Vergeben     "Josha"                                                          Hündin/Female 1  - Vergeben "Robin"                                                                  sable-white                                                                                                          tricolour       

                             Jordan My New Order from Sky's Garden                                                     Jilliane Isn't She Lovely from Sky's Garden 


                                       Hündin/Femal 2 - Vergeben "River"                                                  Rüde/Male 4 Vergeben  "Amore Mio"                                                                           tricolour                                                                                           sable-headed-white

                                       Joelle A Rose from Sky's Garden                                                        Janis - Amore Mio from Sky's Garden


 Van-M Cash Deed of Amarsis

Dark Rainbow Reflection from Sky's Garden

Van-M Good Samaritan

Van-M Dennisay's Million Dollar Babe

  AM.CH./German Ch.(Club) Wyndlair Polaris

 Countryview Fashion Plate

Ch.Van-M Ballon Pilot

Van-M Aruga's New Wrinkle

Van-M Mercury The Biggest Star

Van-M Elegance Miss Demeanor

Glenbracken Classique On Ice

CH Southland's Confederate Sky CCA 2003 WB

Ch.Countryview Give My Regards

 Countryview Ashgrove Alliance

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